9. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 2. Yazılı Soruları ve Cevapları PDF Yazılı 101

Güncel İngilizce Yazılıları ve Video Çözümleri

9. Sınıf Dersleri 2. Dönemi için 9. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 2 . Yazılı Soruları ve Cevapları PDF Örnekleri ve video çözümleri aşağıdaki şekildedir. 9. Sınıf Dersleri içerisinde önemli bir krediye sahip olan İngilizce dersine ait yazılı soruları ve cevapları ile sınava daha iyi bir hazırlık yapabileceksiniz.

9. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 2. Yazılı Soruları ve Cevapları Yazılı 101

A)Complete the sentences with “ALTHOUGH, DESPITE, IN SPITE OF”. (8×2=16)

1. …………………………… he is rich, he doesn’t spend his money.

2. …………………………… being an intelligent student, she doesn’t study much so she gets low marks.

3. I didn't get the job …………………………… I had all the necessary qualifications.

4. She wasn't well, but ……………………………this she went to work.

5. …………………………… the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.

6. I couldn’t sleep …………………………… I was very tired.

7. We went out ……………………………the rain.

8. He managed to escape …………………………… four men tried to catch him.

B)Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs (10×2=20)

1- I __________________( go) to cinema every week.

2- Alice _________________(just, come) home.

3- I’m sorry. I ______________(finish) my work yet.

4-We ___________________( not / see ) you at the concert last Wednesday.

5He usually ________________( read ) a book on weekends.

6-____________you_____________( watch ) TV yesterday ?

7-We_________________( go) shopping two days later.

8-Where is Cem? He is at bathroom, he __________________( have ) a bath now.

9-She ____________________( buy ) a birthday present for me next year.

10-I__________________( not / like ) going shopping with my mother.

C) READING – Weather Forecast

Good Evening, Here is tomorrow’s weather forecast.

The weather will change I’m afraid. The sunny and warm weather is leaving the country. Showers will move in from
the Mediterranean Sea and reach normal central and west Anatolia during the night. The minimum temperature will be
around seven degrees in these regions during the night.

Tomorrow it will be cloudy with occasional rain, and the maximum temperature will be around fifteen degrees by
early morning.

And now look out for the weekend. East Anatolia will have heavy rain and temperature will drop to eleven degrees inErzurum and Kars. Diyarbakır is luckier with a higher temperature of sixteen.
And that’s all for now. See you tomorrow evening at the same time.

Read the text and write the sentences True or False. If they’re false correct them. (5×2=10)

1. The weather will be the same tomorrow……..

2. In Mediterranean Sea minimum temperature will be seven degrees during the day……..

3. At Weekend the temperature will drop from fifteen to eleven………….

4. The temperature will be around 15 degrees in the morning…………

5. Diyarbakır will be hotter than Erzurum and Kars at the weekend………..

D)Write questions about the statements. (5×2=10)

1. John went to New York. When ……………………………………………………………………………..?

2. I don’t go to work by bus. How ……………………….………………………………………………………?

3. I met a famous film star. Who ………………………..……………………………………………………..?

4. Sue is watching a film. What ……………………………………………………………………….……..?

5. My brother has just left the party.Why ………………………………………………………………………..……..?

E)Complete the sentences with the correct “Question tag”. (5×1=5)

1. A: Jack was riding a bike when he saw Steve, ……………………………….?
B: Yes, he was.

2. A: I’m an Elvis Presley fan, ……………………………….?
B: Yes, but I’m sure that love him much more than you.

3. A: It never rains in Sahara desert, ……………………………….?
B: Yes. It is always so hot and dry that no living being can live there except some animals and bugs.

4. A: It’s raining outside. Give me the umbrella, ……………………………….?
B: Here you are.

5. A: Andy can ride a bike, ……………………………….?
B: Yes, he is just four years old but he has ridden his bike for a year.


1-TO ABONDON A)To keep,put something in a state of equilibrium

2-SURGERY B)To leave someone or something without intending to return

3-TO BALANCE C)A small hollow paceon the cheek or chain

4-ABDOMEN D)A strong feeling that something is true

5-CHARMING E)A person who always wears or does what is fashionable even if it doesn’t look good on him/her

6-DIMPLE F)Part of the body between the chest and the legs

7-ENERGETIC G)very active and enthusiastic for doing something

8-FASHION VICTIM H)political and economical freedom of a country

9-INDEPENDENCE I)attractive

10-BELIEF J) A medical treatment when doctor cuts your body open

1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10

G)Complete the sentences using ‘who’,’which’,’whose’, or ‘where’.(3×5=15)

1.This is the restaurant…………….we usually meet with our friends.

2.I missed the bus…………….I usually catch in the morning.

3.Do you know the man ………………son is a famous guitarist?

4.She is really a chick woman ……………….clothing is usually from designer labels.

5.She didn’t remember the place ………………she lost her bag.

H) LISTENING(7×2=14)

Listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing phrases.

Jane:It’s almost midnight and Kenan hasn’t come b….k yet.I hope nothing bad has happened.

Meriç:Knock on w…..d.

Jane:You know I had a nightmare last n…….t.It makes me more anxious now.

Meriç:Nonsense.He always carries a blue b….d on him so you don’t have to worry.

Jane:What’s the date t…….y?

Meriç:It’s N………..r 13 th

Jane:See !I told him not to go out on 13 th .

Meriç:Come on.It’s my l…….y number.I was born on 13 th May.

Jane:See what I mean?

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